5000Meals is an ongoing program that engages professional chefs, schools and volunteers to take surplus food, that might otherwise end up in landfill, and turn it into nutritious meals for people in need.
5000Meals educates both young and old, reduces food waste, and provides healthy meals to agencies that support those in the community that are food insecure.
We have provided more than 25,000 meals to the Perth community since its inception in 2012 and have expanded into three streams of service: the Schools Program, Community Kitchen; and Zero Waste. Each of these streams exist for a different purpose.
Video: PPP Head Chef, Tanya Healy, & volunteers describe the benefits of the 5000Meals Program.
Perth Dining Room
The 5000Meals Dining Room is an innovative concept that aims to provide young people who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of experiencing homelessness with an opportunity to attend a series of fine dining events throughout the year.
The dining service connects students and teachers to the hospitality industry, whilst delivering nourishment, support, and a memorable outing to young community members experiencing hardship.
The 5000Meals Dining Room envisions working alongside allied agencies to target food insecurity and quality of life. The program is in line with the principles of PPP — its outcomes are wholly rooted in education, hospitality, and community service.
Schools Program
The 5000Meals program was initially designed in 2012 to build links between students and the hospitality industry, allowing students to develop relevant industry skills, reduce food wastage and assist people in need within the Perth community.
How does it work?
Firstly, produce is sourced through donations from WA growers and reputable organisations like SecondBite and FoodBank. Depending on the season and what’s available, recipes are created in consultation with local chefs who carry out cooking workshops with participating high schools and their students. The end result is that rescued food becoming delicious meals for people facing homelessness.
5000Meals encourages all types of collaboration within the community and looks forward to seeing this initiative rolled out as a part of the school curriculum in many more schools to come.

Community Kitchen
The 5000Meals Community Kitchen came about in 2020 as a result of the COVID19 pandemic lockdown in Perth. Local out of work chefs came together at Cyril Jackson Senior Campus in Ashfield during this period. With the support of the Town of Bassendean and local volunteers the kitchen provided meals for the vulnerable. The kitchen also became a hub of friendship and community spirit for all involved which continues today.
The program is headed up by professional chef Tanya Healy. Volunteers are encouraged to join Chef Tanya in a commercial kitchen to take surplus produce and cook an especially tailored, bulk recipe. The meals that are created from this recipe are packaged, labelled and frozen ready for distribution to local agencies.
Community Kitchen also offers a trainer currency program at a small cost, where individuals needing industry currency can work alongside Chef Tanya to gain industry experience. All funds from this program support the 5000Meals initiative.
Zero Waste Workshops
There are a range of 5000Meals Zero Waste workshops available to both teachers and individuals interested in repurposing food within their homes.
Workshops specifically designed for teachers are for those wanting to learn about rolling out the 5000Meals Schools Program in their school; network with like-minded professionals; and find inspiration in repurposing food.
Teachers can also attend a workshop at a small cost. The workshop includes presentations and demonstrations. Attendees also receive resources and learn activities to roll out in their own classrooms.
Course mapping and activities are based on the food related curriculum including: active volunteering; family and community services; food science; vocational education and training; and canteen. All workshops provided meet teacher registration requirements and AITSL. Certificates and tax invoices are issued upon completion of each workshop.
Program outcomes
Program outcomes for students:
Contribution to units of competency for VET Students.
Hands-on commercial experience.
Access to mentorship from chefs.
Development of practical skills and knowledge.
Community service and engagement.
Program outcomes for teachers:
Development of skills and professional networks.
Maintenance of industry knowledge.
The project assists with assessing several relevant units of competency.
Promotion of the school’s Home Economics Department; showcasing student work and achievements within the local community.
Program outcomes for the community:
The highly sought-after nutritious meals are distributed by the agencies to:
individuals and families currently experiencing hardship;
low-income families;
international students;
women and families escaping domestic violence; and others.
“5000Meals has provided over 25,000 meals to the Perth community since its inception in 2012.”
Contact us for more information on our 5000Meals program
5000Meals Program enquiry form
Upcoming Zero Waste Workshops
There are no workshops currently scheduled