Dust Up
The Prepare Produce Provide Djinda Ngardak team go on a road trip to the Western Desert of Western Australia for Dust Up - a festival based on sharing education and knowledge, as well as being a celebration across the Ngaanyatjarra Lands. Guided by Indigenous elders and chefs, participants learn traditional cooking methods, gather bush ingredients, and gain insights into their ancestral culinary heritage. The program fosters cultural pride and culinary skills.
The Program
The Prepare Produce Provide culinary team had the privilege of being invited to cook for Dust Up - the “On Country” Ngaanyatjarra Lands School event in the Western Desert of WA as well as hold culinary workshops along the way.
Over 17 days the team worked alongside school communities and guided by Indigenous elders and chefs, participants learnt traditional cooking methods, gathered bush ingredients, and gained insight into the ancestral culinary heritage. The program offers a holistic program tailored to connect youth with fundamental cooking skills.

The Journey
The Prepare Produce Provide team travelled through various communities including Warrakuna, Wingella, Jamison, Papulunkutja, Blackstone, Giles Weather Station, Dock River and more, holding culinary workshops along the way with a diverse range of students from pre-primary to teens. The team along with their respective workshops had a visual and taste sensory journey led by elder and friend Daisy as well as other generous locals that help along the way.
The journey culminated in the Prepare Produce Provide team preparing morning and afternoon tea, as well as lunches and dinners for the over 300 participants from 9 remote schools for the DUST UP – Ngganyatjarra Lands School Event devising a delicious menu to support the three days of sports under the guidance of head Chef Tanya. Many of the school’s teacher, chefs and volunteers rolled up their sleeves to support our colleagues and remote communities on this special community event.